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Early Years Foundation Stage
The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) applies to children from birth to the end of the Reception year. Joseph Clarke School believe that all children are entitled to a robust start to their school life and support this by providing a vibrant and engaging environment where pupil’s uniqueness is celebrated and all pupils are able to achieve their full potential both academically, socially and emotionally.
We provide challenging learning experiences within a motivating, engaging environment and assess the development and progress of each child. We are committed to our school being safe and inclusive where learning is nurtured and supported in a happy, caring and fun environment.
Please click here to view our Early Years Foundation Stage Policy.
RBA are carried out within the first six weeks of a child starting in any of our reception classes using the Standards and Testing Agency approach. This is a practitioner led assessment carried out on a one-to-one basis with the child. All our early years practitioners undertaking these assessments receive training. Staff are supported by the EY departmental leads to agree decisions. This will include a decision to disapply a child if it has been determined that the chid will not be able to access either component of the assessment.
To quality assure and moderate decisions, the teacher and EY lead will work with an Assistant Principal to discuss assessments. Only the school Principal is able to progress a decision to disapply a child and will then do so by logging into the relevant e-portal. The RBA information is shared with parents and carers ‘in person’ at the child’s initial Person-Centred Review and progress discussed and reported at subsequent meetings and annual reports to parent in the summer term. The information is then used to inform planning, teaching and to support progress tracking.